Jim Ross passed away on December 6th, 2024. Jim served as an instrumental part of the life of Fire Mountain for decades as a key part of the maintenance and building of many facilities at camp. Frequently you could find Jim on an excavator, swinging a hammer, putting up a new building, counseling with a scout, or pulling scouts and camp staff arounding Big Lake on his waterski boat. Many projects in camp were completed because of the "Jim Ross Dollar Stretcher" as he found creative ways to finish a project, even when there was limited funding. Jim's life is a monument to Scouting - his example of the Scout Oath and Law is legendary in Walker Valley.
Jim is the recipient of the Silver Beaver Award, and the prestigious Fire Mountain Lifetime Achievement Award. Jim served in a host of leadership roles in Scouting, and made his mark as a long time member of the Council Executive Board. What Jim will be remembered for most was the way he treated young people. He was always willing to teach, coach, and encourage scouts around camp, even if he was busily working to finish a project on an ever approaching deadline - he always had time to be kind.
We thank the Ross family for sharing Jim with us. We will miss him, but we feel the fire of his life and love of service burning brightly in our hearts.
Jim was a pillar in the Fire Mtn family for decades. He was a dear friend to me in good times and a listening ear with great advice when times were hard. He always had an eye towards the future - constantly thinking about how we could improve our camp facilities and programs. When I approached Jim with a "big hairy audacious idea", he would chuckle in his special way and his eyes would light up like Santa Claus, then he would get to work with me to figure out how to make that idea a reality. We dreamed up buildings and programs and decorations, campsites and foot paths, and somehow he would conjure up money, machinery, friends, and time to make it all happen.... just in time for camp to open! His friendship with me shaped the person I am today. My understanding of service, vision, leadership, friendship, loyalty, and love were shaped by Jim and Nancy Ross. The world is a better place because they were in it. My life is better because of their presence in my life. Thank you Denny, Val, and Barb for sharing your Dad with me. His impact will be felt for generations to come!

Some of my fondest weekend memories during camp were spent hanging out in Jim Ross's backyard and being towed on ski's all around Big Lake behind his boat. Thank you Jim Ross for ALL you did for camp and those who call Fire Mountain their home!!
I would like to thank the Ross family for sharing Jim with us. Jim has been instrumental in making Fire Mountain what it is today. I loved Jim's sense of humour and his work ethic. His legacy will be around for years to come with all the youths lives he touched. He will be missed by so many. Thank you Jim for being you.