Fire Mountain Scout Camp

Fire Mountain Scout Camp McKinley Museum

Museum Logo

Thanks to the support of the McKinley family, the Mount Baker Council Properties Committee, and the Fire Mountain Staff Alumni Association the musuem works to preserve and share the history of the Mount Baker Council and its historic past including; Evergreen Area Council, Mount Baker Area Council, Camp Tyree, Camp 22, Camp Kelcema, Camp Sevenich, Camp Black Mountain, and Fire Mountain Scout Camp. The museum also has unique artifacts from the national Scouting movement.

You can learn more about our museum board - here

Do you have an item you would like to donate, or looking to provide financial support to the musuem? Vist our Musuem Donations page.


The McKinley Museum seeks to deepen the

understanding of the Mt. Baker Council

and Evergreen Area Council

through the preservation of historic

artifacts related to the history of

Scouting, and its camps.

The Museum collections will be a

resource to collect, preserve, and

educate the Scouting community in

the Mount Baker Council.

Upcoming Open Dates

Date Event Hours
Saturday May 17thCouncil Camporee11 - 2pm
Sunday May 25thMemorial Day Family Camp9 - 11am & 1 - 5pm
Friday Jul 18thFriday BBQ week 1 summer camp3 - 7pm
Friday Jul 25thFriday BBQ week 2 summer camp3 - 7pm
Friday Aug 1stFriday BBQ week 3 summer camp3 - 7pm
Friday Aug 8thFriday BBQ week 4 summer camp3 - 7pm
Sunday Aug 31stLabor Day Family Camp9 - 11am & 1 - 5pm
Saturday Sep 13thOrder of the Arrow Conclave1 - 5pm
Saturday Oct 4thCub Scout Adventure Day10 - 5pm
Saturday Oct 18thMuseum Board Meeting 1 - 3pmCLOSED
Saturday Oct 18thOA Fall Fellowship3 - 6pm
Saturday Oct 25thFire Mountain Haunted Camp1 - 5pm
Saturday Dec 13thStaff Alumni Christmas Party1 - 4pm

Would you like the museum open for your event?

If you would like to request the museum be open on a Friday or Saturday not listed above please reach out to Patrick Smith - at least 30-days in advance.